Friday, May 22, 2020

Splintered Light Kobolds

Well, I promised an update on the Splintered Light minis, so here it is, albeit a bit late. I painted up four kobolds (because at the moment, I only have four little miniature holders) and they turned out pretty well, I think, by my admittedly low standards. They were a breeze to paint up; while they're plenty detailed, they don't have a lot of fiddly little gubbins that need to be picked out. No pouches, no buckles, nothing like that. So my usual tactic (at this scale) of base coat plus wash works really well. Here's the full batch:

It's hard to say which one was my favorite. The spearman painted up easiest, I think, which is worth something? He looks solid though, well suited to die under the assault of my heroes on the tabletop.

I really enjoyed painting the little champion. His cloak and armor take to the wash really well. I don't often get to dust off that color of green, so I always enjoy a chance to use it.

The little shaman guy is the other contender for my favorite of the four so far, with his deep blue robes and little orb on a stick. He just exudes kobold wisdom (which, as we know, is largely an oxymoron.)

The last guy was a little fella with a spiked club. He wasn't particularly thrilling to paint, but he'll fit in nicely with the others. 

It's a good thing these guys paint up so quickly, because I have a lot of them to get through! I think it took me maybe 45 minutes or so, at a wild guess, to knock these four out. I may fire up Tinkercad and design some movement trays for them, as Sellswords & Spellslingers calls for certain models to move as hordes, and trying to move each of these little blighters one at a time is going to get tiresome really fast. 

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